If you are looking for updates and news about Ridin' to Redmond, download the BMW MOA’s Rally app for iOS and Android. The Rally app will have the latest updates to rally schedules, seminar listings, and presenters, listings of exhibitors, area maps, and entertainment information. The app will also be the place for news from the Rally grounds, including updates and changes as it happens.
To get the app, visit your favorite mobile device app store for Apple or Android. Search BMW MOA and look for the MOA logo! Install the free app on your device, log in with an email address and you are set. Follow the on-screen prompts from there.
Once you've got the app on your smartphone, if you find you can't get past the "Search Events" screen, you need to enter the code RIDE to successfully finish installing the app. On the search screen, tap the "Start Searching" button in the blue bar. When you do, a new box will appear with the text "Have a Code?" Tap that, enter the access code RIDE, then tap "Submit." You should then see the Ridin' to Redmond National Rally screen. Tap "Join" and you'll have access to all the latest information about this year's rally!