Jiggs on Father’s Day, as the Arch shone brightly

Jiggs on Father’s Day, as the Arch shone brightly

My MOA National rally stories started back in 1993 in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, followed by 16 more and now planning my 17th. Every rally has had many memories and each one keeps building and creating new friends. The best memory I have of a rally is the last one, the 2019 rally in Lebanon, Tennessee.

I planned this trip with my teenage daughter Claire riding pillion. This was to be a once-in-a-lifetime trip, as she will graduate this spring and what better time to go. Claire was excited to see parts of the country and to attend and participate in GEARS training during the rally.

We set out the first day to meet up with friends and logged almost 500 miles. Just a note: Claire hadn’t ridden more than an hour at one time in the past; she’s a trooper. The following two days we spent taking twisty back roads through Kentucky and Tennessee and into Lebanon. We had great weather and the best of times together and a wonderful rally ahead of us!

At the rally we had plenty of things to keep us busy. We camped. Claire found two trees to hang her hammock, making a nice spot for her to relax in the afternoon sun. We shopped at the vendors, took in seminars, ate great food, listened to even better music, followed up with evenings of sitting around our campsite with a group that grew larger each night with new friends!

Like all good things, it had to come to an end and the trip home was ahead of us. Riding out on Sunday, we stopped to take a break in St. Louis at the Gateway Arch. We were taking pictures and someone walked up and commented on our bike and asked about our trip. He offered to take a picture for us. When he handed the camera back, he said “Happy Father’s Day.” It was at that moment I realized how blessed I am to have such a great family – not just at home, but in the MOA as well. The best Father’s Day gift I could get!

Memories made and planning on more – we will see you in Great Falls!


  1. Ron Durkin

    Great story Jiggs, Btw my first and only national rally was Oshkosh where amongst all the great goings on I was inducted into the Selected Friends of Wile E Coyote. Planned Lebanon but sale of our mc accessory business got in the way. Entered for Great Falls in 20, Covid slipped that to 21 now Covid plus AUS govt have killed that plan. Perhaps 22 or 2023 I shall return and perhaps share a beverage , Best regards RTO (Ron) (32257)

  2. Mark A. Renfrow

    Hey Jiggs, one of my most memorable rides, and that hurt my butt the most was riding to Spokane with you and Skeeter. Three days riding tank to tank was tough! And what a thunderstorm that night in Montana! Skeeter acted surprised I didn’t want to ride back with Ya’ll, but I just couldn’t handle the pace. I’m looking forward to seeing you at Great Falls.

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